I am fascinated by the inherent beauty of timeless objects. While trends come and go like the seasons, exclusive materials find a home in new shapes and uses. Or not. I see it as my mission to find forgotten objects of particular craftsmanship and quality. Silverware, pieces of traditional embroidery, crystal glasses from Venice–Objects like these have unusual quality and tell stories about lives lived in other decades and centuries. Today they wander around the shelves of second-hand stores or wait at the bottom of a mysterious bin at a flea-market booth. Dust and water leave their imprint while memories quietly fade away.
Andmemories is the project in which I give voice to the forgotten treasures from the past. I open up a stage for trades and crafts from the past and let them come to life again. All my editions are unique and limited to the amount of supplies available. The last few metres of a certain fabric, the only silverware found and the last pieces of an embroidery come together for one final show with only a select few acts. Each piece and every series is unique–limited to time and space.


To carry summer on your arm and hold sunshine in one hand… this dream becomes a reality with the RIVIERA. Fabricated in the simplicity of a summer’s day at the beach and manufactured with classic deck chair cotton, this bag tells the story of long, carefree days at the beach. Colors are set in the tones of postcards which we all know from our favourite beach destinations: bold, glowy and in high spirits they speak of sand on tanned skin, soft ice cream melting over a warm hand and bare feet on the rocks by the ocean. If you’re in love with the feeling of uninterrupted, carefree nights and days, the RIVIERA is your accessory for this summer. At the beach, in a café with an iced coffee….
Each bag is unique and fabricated in Switzerland.
Shopper: 29 x 38 x 11 cm
Pouch: 29 x 18 cm
Keychain: 20 x 1.5 cm
Grande: 40 x 43 x 19 cm
Material: 100% durable, thick cotton, woven in Italy
Price: Shopper 95.- CHF, Keychain 32.- CHF, Pouch 45.- CHF, Grande 135.-
Availability: limited/unlimited

A clutch that goes everywhere with you. It brings with it the memories of tapestries in Renaissance palaces. Our grandmother’s little Sunday handbag, where she kept embroidered tissues, money and her lipstick. The lining of an armchair in a library filled with books on geography and history. We have transferred the tradition of Gobelin into a practical accessory for the modern day woman. This bag goes with every outfit and every occasion. It holds space for notebooks, magazines, sunglasses, purse and, of course, the lipstick, just like grandma used to have it.
This product is made from the last 13 metres of a fabric produced in France, which provides us with 65 original pieces. It is manufactured in Fribourg, Switzerland.
Size: 29 x 26 cm (measurements may vary slightly / iPad is fitting)
Material: cotton / polyester
Price: 150.- CHF

Silver turns Mondays into little Sundays. Decorate your wooden table with a bouquet of wildflowers, porcelain plates and a simple set of silverware. This product comes in sets of four: A knife, fork, soup spoon and coffee spoon combined from different editions of silver and turned into a new family. These objects speak of old hope chests, in which young women used to collect silver until their wedding day. Some of these pieces lived through several centuries and households, attended funerals, birthdays and weddings until they fell into a drawer in a thrift store. We find and polish them, combine them in stylish sets of four for the modern day use.
This Product is from all over Europe. Each set is unique and put together in Zurich.
Material: 100% Vintage Silver-plated cutlery
Price: 55.- CHF (Set of 4 pieces)
Availability: limited/unlimited